Tres Hombres Toursupport is a Belgium-based booking agency, specialized in touring around the globe.

We mainly focus on Blues, Roots, Soul & Rock 'n Roll, but don't mind an occasional sidetrack in other genres such as Folk & Metal.

By providing management, sound-engineering (backline and PA rental), plugging and overall promotion, we make sure 'our' bands can enjoy touring Belgium, Europe and beyond. 

We'd like to testify that taking care of every topic concerning international touring is our core business.

With countless years of experience in music industry, we’ve built up a massive network including promoters, venues and festivals all over Europe.

Tres Hombres Toursupport guarantees its best efforts to obtain and coordinate as many shows as possible during a tour, always acting in best interest of the artists/bands to support the expansion of their reputations and careers. We don't take your trust for granted and that's why aiming at reputable venues/festivals is our goal.

You like the sound of that, but not sure what it means? Here's where you can find out a bit more about our services!

Not yet satisfied and you' like to learn everything? We're here for you! Just visit the contact-page.


Off course we need to have an agreement first. It's important to get mutual expectations cleared out before we start working together. But let's say: we've been shaking hands over a well considered plan.

Time to capture some tourdates!

Here's where the action starts by contacting our network of organisers and promoters. In order to act strategic and get the right band at the right place, we well consider available venues and festivals in order to contact the right people directly and personal.

That includes mailing, contacts over the telephone and sceduling meetings.

We fully take care of contracts and make sure things are as they're supposed to be for the artists and everybody else. We guarantee a correct follow-up and make sure dates and places have a logical order.


An upcoming show or tour surely needs to be promoted. We think it's a big part of the job to get 'our' bands and plans out in the open as much as possible. 

In addition to the strategic mailing, we also send out the word to all other organisors and even more important: press and media.

So let's say: you've got a new album you wish to promote with a tour? There's some good news: Tres Hombres Toursupport is connected to a wide range of magazines, newspapers, fanzines, blogs and radio stations on local base.

We will conduct a format-tailored press campaign in close coordination with our clients according to their needs. So there you go: product placement, name exposure, interview/review coordination, ads, market and post-tour feedback.


We thought about everthing! Our toursupport is extended with an optinonal rental feature that includes reliable transportation and backline. Rental fees are charged based on your daily needs and demands.

So if you need a good ride to get you from one gig to another, we've got a Mercedes Vito and a Mercedes Sprinter available to offer you a comfortable voyage.

We also provide the service to rent a PA system and a backline of Fender, Mesa Boogie, Orange, Ampeg, in short: all brands that makes every musicians heart beat a bit faster! Needless to say our gear is kept safe in road proven flight cases.

And since we are connected to a bunch of good people, we can throw in an experienced, professional and friendly road-crew when needed!